Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009

It's been a couple of weeks since we posted. Gary continues to ride during the weekdays. On the weekend of August 14th-15th, Cindy had two (2) good rides and the farrier came out and we had LBR's feet trimmed.

Last weekend, we visited the kids/grand-kids in Arkansas and had a great time. When we got back late Sunday, we stopped by and visited LBR for a few minutes. He has a new paddock mate named "Bentley". The two of them are getting along great - trading back scratches and standing head-to-tail to double the efficiency of fly swatting.

This week, we decided to put LBR into part-time training - having the trainer/owner of the stables ride him 3 times a week. He had his first lesson on Wednesday. She lunged him on the lunge rope when he started out a little hot when first ridden. She switched him back to a standard d-ring snaffle when he seemed to be too mouthy.

The lesson then went well with work at the walk, trot & canter (yee haw) both directions. The lesson was videotaped and we will upload soon.

LBR continues to LOVE his home-made horse treats. The recipe is listed below:

Sunday Cookies
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 cup flour
1 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup raisins
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons corn oil
¼ cup water (one quarter cup)
¼ cup molasses (one quarter cup)
Mix ingredients in a bowl in the order listed. Make small balls and place on cookie sheet sprayed. Bake 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Horses love 'em!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

Gary worked LBR this week 4 times...focusing on working on the rail at the walk/trot. LBR is doing GREAT!!!!

Here are some videos.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, 2009

This week continued with LBR being ridden at the walk/trot by Gary 4 mornings. We also visited in the evening on the non-ride night, and LBR had taken advantage of the rain.....covered to the tips of his ears in mud.

We went to cheer on the kids at a local horse show on Saturday and then headed to the barn for some grooming/treats. We decided to let LBR loose in the main/dirt arena. He was unsure at first of what to do, but quickly realized he was free and trotted/cantered/bucked. After a few minutes of this, he truly realized how much freedom he had and circled the arena at a full gallop a few times - clearing jumps for fun along the way. On about the 3rd gallop around, he decided it would be fun to run out of the arena and head down to the paddocks where other horses were running/playing. It really scared Gary & Cindy but he calmed down after a few passes up/down the fence line and let Gary catch him. He was lathered in sweat so we led him into the roundpen to walk for a bit....he was perfectly calm and relaxed.

Although we were scared by his behavior, it's very normal and we think it was probably good for him to "be a horse".

We headed over this morning (Sunday) to ride. LBR behaved very well. We groomed, did a short bit of work in the roundpen and then headed to the grass arena. Gary rode first at the walk/trot. Gary was wearing new boots and may have accidentally queued LBR to go faster as LBR went from the trot to the canter once.

Cindy worked LBR next - focusing on keeping him on the rail all the way around and not letting LBR bow out as he went past the entrance/exits.

We de-tacked, groomed and rinsed LBR and then headed back to the paddock for treats.

LBR has just about finished shedding the frogs of his hooves....the dogs will be disappointed, but cleaning up the grooming stall when we're done will be easier.

We are going to start some training lessons with the trainer at our stables this week - we will probably have her ride 2-3 times a week to see if we can get LBR more "on" the bit and focused.