This past week LBR had 3 lessons with the trainer. He is learning and she is learning about his stubborn streak....pick your battles as LBR is learning to learn. We rode on the off days. Saturday & Sunday both Gary and Cindy rode.
LBR was a little bit "hot" on Saturday so we lunged first and let him burn off some energy. The stables were more distracting than normal with horses whinny'ing from one end of the farm to the other. All-in-all it was still a great ride with perfect halts.
Sunday we headed to the stables a little later than normal in order to avoid all of the lessons in the main arena. LBR was mellow so we skipped the lunging and went straight to riding. Gary rode for a short bit then Cindy rode for a long time. She trotted LBR all around - along the rail, around the jumps...for about 15 minutes straight. Although he started out a bit faster than she wanted he settled into a nice pace and worked well off of leg queues.
Monday (Labor Day), was back to the trainer. She skipped the lunging and worked him for a while at the walk/posting trot. She then worked him for a long time at the sitting trot - until he finally quit fighting her queues and bit contact. Then, she cantered him and he was perfect. I think we'll try the sitting trot on our next ride - he set his head nicely and then cantered like a pro.
The heat is back on in Central Texas so I doubt we'll be able to go over in the evenings. Oh well, we're fortunate that Gary can ride in the mornings and that the trainer is working her magic.
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