Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

It's Monday so LBR has the day off. We took him carrots to his paddock and he seemed very happy to see us:-)

June 26, 2011

I had a lesson on the on-trial horse today while Gary rode LBR in the grass arena. The lesson went well though "Bratty McFatty" doesn't want to canter because he's too lazy/fat.

Gary had an excellent ride on LBR in the grass arena while the lesson was going on.

After our rides, we rinsed both horses and then let them graze in the common areas together on the leadline.

LBR defintely is the "alpha" horse, but there were no squeels or nips.

June 25, 2011

Gary and I headed over to the stables super early. We arrived around 8:00 a.m. Fortunately, the caretaker had finished feeding early.

We tacked up the on-trial horse and I rode him for a bit at the w/t. Gary mounted him for a few minutes while I groomed, tacked and prep'd LBR for his ride.

Gary rode LBR while I put up the on-trial horse. LBR was a rock star today - both on the flat and over the crossrails.

June 24, 2011

Gary headed over to ride LBR and groom/tack the 'on-trial' horse for the trainer.

LBR was very good today - they rode in the grass arena and had a quiet ride.

The trainer rode "Bratty McFatty" (the on-trial horse). He was good at the w/t but is so lazy he didn't want to canter. It could be because he is at least 150 lbs. overweight.

June 23, 2011

Gary headed over to the stables in the morning. It is SO HOT that if we don't ride in the mornings, we're not riding.

LBR and Gary had a great ride in the sand arena and then went for a short trail ride. Gary also rode the 'on-trial' horse for a bit at the w/t. He's so out of shape that they kept the ride short.

June 22, 2011

Gary rode LBR today. They had a great ride in the sand arena. They did w/t/c flat work and trotted over and way from cross-rails - really concentating on staying at an even tempo.

After I came home from work, we headed over to lead the 'on-trial' horse around the property. He was good in the cross ties for grooming and although excited to be led around to new places on the property, he respected my space.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 21, 2011

Gary headed over in the morning to work LBR. They lunged today first and then Gary rode him. LBR was GREAT!

He is not rushing to or from jumps and is very quiet.

Yay Gary & LBR.

On a side note...Gary & I went to look at a "confidence builder" horse. He was located about 60 miles north of where Cindy works so Gary picked her up with the horse trailer and they headed off.

They arrived around 6:20 to find a really cute 13 y/o 16.3 hand Azteca gelding in a horrible paddock/pasture filled with rocks. He was saddled and wearing a western bit that was too small for him.

The owner is going through a divorce and has been leasing him to the people who own this property. He has been well fed, but not ridden due to some personal issues the people have.

Gary rode him at the walk around the least rocky peice of the paddock. We decided to take him on trial. He loaded/traveled/unloaded really well but it was late (10:30 p.m.) by the time we got home.

Here's a picture of him ("Manitowoc"):

June 20, 2011

LBR is normally off on Monday's but he still got a visit today. We forgot to put fly spray on him so Gary took him carrots today and sprayed him.

June 19, 2011

We got home late from a visit up to Waco (~100 miles away) yesterday to watch a horse show.

We got to the stables fairly early despite the late night around 9:00 a.m. LBR had finished his breakfast and was enjoying his flake of alfalfa.

Gary brought him up from the paddock and groomed him while I staged the tack. LBR was acting up under saddle for Cindy in the sand arena so Gary lunged him in the grass arena. LBR was still hyper-sensitive to the trot queue so Cindy dismounted, checked the girth/saddle and tried again. Something unknown was really bothering him so Cindy ended on a good note of just trotting some serpantines.

When we took him back to the grooming stall, de-tacked and brushed, we found the problem. LBR had a thorn (approx 1/2" long) behind his left front elbow. Poor boy:-( Gary removed it, rinsed him off and we let him graze in the shade for an extra long time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 18, 2011

Gary & I headed over early to beat the 105F degree afternoon temperatures. We arrived before the horses were being fed.

The possible "packer" for me to show had visitors from an adjoining paddock.

Gary brought "J" up first but he was so schizoid we put him in his stall for his breakfast.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock before his breakfast was served. Poor horse looked so desperate for his breakfast.

I warmed up LBR while the feed truck made it's rounds. He was a good horse but so pitiful as the horses in the adjoining paddocks ate their food, his ears flicked.

Gary had a great ride once LBR was warmed up, focused and the feed truck was gone.



June 17, 2011

Usually, LBR would have had a training ride. However, the trainer was out of town at a show and was not available. Gary had other things to take care of this morning so LBR just got carrots and a visit.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 16, 2011

Gary headed to the stables early to beat the heat. He rode LBR in the arena and they had a great ride.

After the ride, they did a short trail ride. Gary rinsed LBR (including his face - his new favorite).

Poor LBR - no fly mask will stay on this year. He and his neighbor remove them from one another.

June 15, 2011

LBR had a training ride today. Once again, the flat work is flawless but he gets "energized" when doing courses.

The trainer dismounted and lunged him over some jumps for a while before remounting. LBR calmed a bit, but is continuing to puzzle her.

After the ride, LBR enjoyed a cool bath - even letting Gary spray his face. They loaded in the trailer today with only one door open. Such a good horse!

June 14, 2011

Gary rode LBR today. They had a nice morning ride before the 100F+ degrees set in.

June 13, 2011

It's Monday so LBR had the day off.

June 12, 2011

Gary & Cindy headed over to ride in the morning.

Gary rode LBR and Cindy was planning on riding 'J'. Unfortunately, 'J' was off so Cindy didn't get to ride.

LBR was a snotty brat in the arena with other horses so Gary lunged him in the grass arena to burn off some energy.

After he FINALLY settled down (lots of commotion with horses getting out of their paddocks), Gary continued the lunge for a bit and then rode him calmly in the arena.

June 11, 2011

Cindy had a lesson on 'J' today. They had a blast. During the flat work, the other four (4) horses/riders were struggling at the canter so Cindy circled and avoided them with ease - way KEWL!

J is not sure about trotting jumps - he wants to canter a step before the jump but he will soon learn trotting is easier.

June 10, 2011

LBR had a training ride today.

After work, Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables for a trail ride. Cindy rode "J" and he was a good trail horse. LBR was his usual mellow self.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 9, 2011

Gary rode LBR today. They had a nice arena ride followed by a trail ride around the property. They focused on flat work with a few cross-rails before their big adventure traveling all over the farm.

June 8, 2011

LBR had a training ride today. He was a good horse, but still a little rushing in the corners....will he ever stop that? Cindy rode 'J' again tonight and had a blast.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 7, 2011

Gary visited LBR in the morning - trying to beat the heat. They loaded in the trailer and then Gary lunged him in the newly leveled arena over jumps. After the ground work, Gary took LBR on a trail ride. They had fun and even conquered scarey black plastic and ditches...YAY!

Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables in the evening for Cindy to try a horse. 'J' is older, a packer and very seasoned. The trainer rode first and then Cindy rode. 'J's feet were a bit tender from being shod today.

Cindy will try him again later this to be included.

June 6, 2011

It's Monday and LBR's day off - no visit.

June 5, 2011

Cindy took a lesson on LBR today. It went well eventhough Cindy didn't canter him. The arena is too uneven and slippery in her opinion.

They finished the lesson with a 6 jump course of cross-rails and brushboxes.


June 4, 2011

The plans were originally to go to a one day show, but the trainer cancelled and decided to go on a trail ride. The location is a 2 hour drive each way so Gary & Cindy decided to pass.

They headed over to the stables in the morning to try and beat the heat (it's been > 100F degrees all week).

Cindy rode LBR in the arena and focused on flat work, collection and transitions. LBR rocked. Gary then rode LBR over a few jumps before cooling him off with a trail ride.

June 3, 2011

LBR had a training ride today and it went very well. Gary & Cindy visited in the evening after work and it was very peaceful at the stables.

June 2, 2011

Gary lunged LBR and worked on trailer loading - they had a great time.

June 1, 2011

LBR had a training ride today and was great!

May 31, 2011

The farrier worked today. LBR got new shoes today and Gary worked him on ground work and trailer loading.

May 31, 2011

LBR got new shoes today and Gary worked him on ground work and trailer loading.

May 30, 2011

Today is LBR's day off.

May 29, 2011

Gary and Cindy took LBR on a trail ride at a friend's ranch. Cindy rode one of the friend's mares and Gary rode LBR.

LBR was such a good boy - the only obstacle he didn't do was walking through deep water.