's Saturday. A wicked cold front came through last night. Cindy & Gary waited for it to warm up a bit before heading over to the stables around 12:30 p.m.
There were lessons going on when they arrived.
Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supplies and visited with other boarders.
Considering that the wind was blowing out of the NW at about 25 mph, LBR led up quietly.
They groomed and tacked LBR and Cindy started off with LBR in the sand arena. LBR was very good. He had a lot of energy, but listened nicely. After riding for about 30 minutes on the flat, Cindy handed LBR over to Gary for their ride.
Gary started with flat work and then trotted LBR over several crossrails and low jumps. LBR was perfect - no rushing to or away from the jumps.
Gary ended with jumping the "rolly-polly" and cantering away and through a perfect half-arena circle. This was their first time to take this jump and it was very impressive.
After the ride, Gary & Cindy groomed LBR. They both walked him back to his paddock and let him graze for a bit before giving him treats in his paddock.
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