Gary and Cindy headed to the stables at 8:30 for Cindy's 9:30 lesson.
Things were quiet when the arrived - the trainer was riding a horse that had a few months of under saddle training while Gary brough LBR up from his paddock and Cindy staged the grooming supplies and tack.
After trying to get LBR to drop more "fur", Gary tacked LBR up. Cindy mounted LBR while the trainer helped the departing horse on and off the step up trailer many times.
LBR took it all in stride while Cindy and he warmed up in the arena.
The lesson was FABULOUS today. LBR remained focus despite yelling and screaming happened in the lesson....poor friend pulled her back while warming up.
Today was a HUGE breakthrough. Cindy was instructed to canter over a cross rail on course, but LBR broke down to the trot. At the end of the course on a similar line, Cindy cantered LBR over the "rolly-polly".
YAY Cindy and LBR!!!1
No pictures, but a lot of witnesses!!!1
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