Gary and Cindy headed over to the stables around 5:30 p.m. The barn was quite busy with several people tacking up for lessons.
LBR had a sprung shoe so they groomed him and let him graze for a while. The resident farrier arrived aroun 6:30 p.m. and rest LBR's shoe.
Gary tacked up LBR and Cindy mounted him in the sand arena and headed down to the grass arena for a ride.
LBR was a true TB (turd butt/thoroughbred) tonight. He was distracted and Cindy could not get his focus under saddle. Gary rode for a bit, but had the same experience.
Gary then lunged LBR and he continued his TB ways. Gary adjusted his bridle and LBR still acted up. Cindy took off LBR's saddle and Gary eventually got LBR to lunge half-way decent.
After the lunging, they groomed LBR and Gary returned him to his paddock.
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