Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 2011

LBR and Anna in the "Modified Hunter" class last weekend. They finished 2nd out of 28 horses:

We headed to the stables this morning for lessons. Gary took the lesson on LBR while I rode Mani.

We both had great lesson. LBR packed Gary around like a champ. Their flat walk/trot work was at a great consistent speed and they did the four (4) ground poles like champs - even with Gary's eyes closed. Their canter was "to die for". LBR got his correct lead in both directions, avoided 2 horses while circling and coming back to the walk with perfect transitions.

Mani was good for me too...lazy as usual at the canter, but improving with every ride. We did the most georgous circle - though it took a lot of leg and kissing.

We then moved on to course work...OMG, LBR has turned into the packer. Gary and he had perfect courses with no rushing (trotting in and sometimes cantering away).

Mani was good as well...though the added rolly-polly jump was "scary" and he stopped 2x - not a scary refusal, just a stop. On the third time, he stopped, and then did a levade - waiting for me to balance before jumping over the 2' thing...LMAO.

After the lesson, Gary cantered LBR a bit more while I took Mani on a ride around the property to cool off. By the time I returned to the barn, Gary had rinsed LBR and I finished grooming him while Gary rinsed Mani. I headed back to the paddock with LBR and Gary followed behind with Mani.

We are so loving having these two(2) horses - different in personality, but a perfect fit for the family.

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