Monday, October 18, 2010

October 17, 2010

Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables around 9:30 a.m. They knew there would be delays because of the Austin Ironman (the bicycle portion of the races uses a road that is needed to get to the stables). The delay was about 20 minutes so they arrive shortly after 10:00 a.m.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed and tacked him. People were arriving for group lessons as Cindy mounted LBR in the sand arena. She rode him down to the grass arena. LBR was FABULOUS today.

He ignored all the distractions (again - many green horses in the lesson). His focus was in the grass arena and listening to what Cindy asked for. He was a bit "sluggish" as it was much warmer than previous days this week. However, he still moved out when asked to.

Gary rode LBR for a while once Cindy was done and took him on a paddock/trail ride. LBR ignored the five horses being ridden into the farm by a neighboring family. Is this the same horse Gary thought????

After their ride, Gary rinsed off LBR. He "pulled" his mane and pampered LBR while Cindy cleaned the tack room. Gary led LBR back to his paddock and gave him alfalfa and carrot treats.

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