Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 2, 2010

Gary and Cindy headed out around 9:00 a.m. to go watch some of the riders at a local show. They stayed for about an hour and then headed over to the stables. The weather has changed to Fall in Central Texas so it was still a comfortable 75F degrees.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed and tacked him up. Cindy started riding LBR in the sand arena. He was doing well on his flat work until Gary started lunging another horse in the round pen beside the arena. LBR was distracted by Gary's verbal queues to the other horse. Rather than fight this battle (and because LBR had started off so well), Cindy headed out on a trail ride with a friend on her horse. They rode for about 30 minutes in and out of paddocks and around the property. After the trail ride, Cindy took LBR back into the arena (Gary was not working the other horse at this point). LBR was great. He was soft in the mouth YEAH!!!!

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