Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 18, 2010

Gary and Cindy headed over to the stables after Cindy got home from work. Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supply.

Normally, LBR has Monday's off from riding, but Gary & Cindy remembered that Monday's are quiet at the barn while Tuesday's are hectic with multiple lessons going on well into the darkness. When they arrived at the barns there were no other boarders there.

Another boarder arrived while they were about to finish grooming. They finished up and headed to the sand arena.

Due to the days getting shorter, the sun was setting as Cindy mounted LBR. The other boarder came out shortly after that and turned the lights on so their horses would get used to them before dark.

This was LBR's first ride in the sand arena with the lights on. Cindy worked him at the walk/trot and did leg yields and other bending exercises. After about 30 minutes of flat work, Cindy trotted him over some cross-rails and ground poles.

LBR was fabulous tonight. There was one "shadow" that annoyed him, but when Cindy walked him over to it he acted like it was no big thing.

After the ride, Gary groomed LBR and took him back to his paddock where he gave him treats.

Cindy is so excited - LBR road well under the lights which means that Cindy will get to ride during the week this winter!!!!

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