Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22, 2011

Gary headed over to the stables in the morning and lunged LBR. LBR was glad to have the attention and was the perfect horse. Mani got the day off.

August, 21, 2011

Wow...getting up this morning and getting ready for a lesson was tough after the long day yesterday. I committed to a lesson on Mani, but we weren't sure about Anna being able to ride LBR. It ended up that she had a conflict so Gary had the option to ride LBR in our lesson. He decided to take a break. I couldn't have been happier as it meant he could help with tacking up/down Mani.

The lesson went well on Mani and after we returned him to their paddock, we brought LBR up for grooming. Poor guy - he was so tired that I swear he never shifted in the grooming stall, even when the psycho horse next to him started kicking - LOL.

I haven't complained much lately about the heat. It was 108F degrees yesterday when we drove back from Pine Hills and was 101F degrees by the time we finished grooming LBR around noon today.

August 20, 2011

LBR & Gary - look out eventers:-)

Mani & Me

We loaded up and headed to Pine Hills Equestrian Center this morning. Gary headed over with the neighbor to load her horse up on her three (3) horse trailer and I headed to the stables to feed the boys around 6:30 a.m.

It was a bit of a sad morning as one of our friends showed up around 7:00 a.m. and shortly after that the vet showed up pulling the 'BAD' trailer. Her horse had foundered last month and was going down hill fast. She made the difficult decision to have him put down.

We went ahead with our planned trip and ride after the trainer spent some time with her. I was fine with it all until our neighbor said "It's so sad to see, but I think I'd be upset if I had ever ridden him". BOO HOO, I got all teary because I had ridden. He was a super calm, been there done that horse and when I needed a confidence boost early in my re-riding, I took lessons on Shiloh. I will miss that calm little paint horse.

I dried the tears, helped load LBR & Mani and we headed out. It's about a 2 hour drive to the facility.

We had an absolute BLAST...LBR and Gary are doing so well together and Mani is the perfect confidence builder for me. We both did several jumps, cantered in the field and Mani even went into the water hazard. After a 2 hour ride, we rinsed the horses, put them in their stalls and enjoyed a nice lunch.

We loaded back up, uloaded at the stables and got back home around 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 8 -15, 2011

This week has been scary. LBR was not feeling well - off his feed on Tuesday morning and laying down so he was given Banamine and put on stall rest.

He seemed to recover nicely so on Wednesday morning he was put back out in his paddock. On Wednesday afternoon, the stable owner found him rolling in his paddock and immediately rushed him to the Vet. He was put on IV fluids as he was mildly dehydrated and kept in ICU.

He was continuing to show signs of stress through the early evening, but improved overnight.

We brought him home Thursday evening and he remained stalled with limited feed through the weekend. As he improved, per the vet, we gradually increased his feed.

On Monday, he was allowed to go back to his paddock.

I've never worried more for an animal in my life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 7, 2011

LBR had the day off while Mani gave pony rides to the kids.

August 6, 2011

Gary and I took the horses to a friend's property and had a wonderful 2 1/2 hour trail ride.

August 5, 2011

No visit for LBR today as we have family in visiting.

August 4, 2011

Gary rode Mani in the morning and Anna took a lesson on LBR.

LBR is getting BETTER and BETTER with each ride they have together.

August 3, 2011

The horses had the day off today - we're into the 5th week of 100F+ degree days.

August 2, 2011

Gary rode LBR and Mani this morning. They were both good.

August 1, 2011

No ride for LBR as today is Monday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July 31, 2011

Woot, woot..me and Mani with a great ride on Sunday. LBR got the day off because of the show.

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 30, 2011

woot Hoot Anna and LBR.

It's Saturday, so I get to head to the horse show early with Gary (6:00 a.m.). We found LBR rested and happy to see us...YAY! Anna schooled him in the morning and he was back to his old self....confident, focused and responsive.

Anna & Gary took our truck/trailer to ferry horses back and forth from the stables to the vet. While they were gone, I lunged LBR and another horse. LBR is such a dream to work, but the other horse had his challenges. I rinsed them both after lunging and relaxed for a few minutes.

When Anna & Gary returned, there was still an hour or so wait for LBR's classes. LBR was a ROCKSTAR today. He had 4 clases. In the first 2, Anna did simple lead changes. In the last 2, no lead changes required.

He placed 6th out of 27 horses in his final class "Modified Hunter". Yay LBR and Anna! After LBR cooled down and we finished watching some of the other people from the stables show, we loaded him up and returned him to the stables. We got home around 9:30 p.m.....long day.

July 29, 2011

LBR had a rough night and it showed. During lunging, he was white eyed and spooky.

Warmup for the classes in the afternoon did not go much better. He was definitely stressed. He had some nice moments in his classes today, but each class had it's "oops moment" where he lost focus.

Oh well...Anna and he got through it and hopefully he'll get some rest tonight.

July 28, 2011

Gary hauled LBR to the show in the early afternoon. He settled in nicely to his stall. Anna came out and schooled him in the evening. LBR was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. He was one of the calmest and most attentive horses schooling.

After the ride, we rinsed LBR off and put him in his stall for the night. As we were re-filling up all of the horses water buckets, I noticed one of the horses kept pawing and laying down. I alerted one of the other girls.

It ends up that the mare had coliced last Saturday and appeared to be doing it again. She was in the stall next to LBR's stall.

After a shot of banamine the mare appeared to relax. However, the owner who was working late came out around midnight and the mare was down again....screaming! All of the horses including LBR were stressed over this. The stable owner came out and took the mare to the emergency vet. Fortunately, the mare is going to be okay, but LBR didn't get much sleep because he stresses over other horses in distress.

July 27, 2011

Gary headed over to the stables to ride both LBR and Mani. LBR was excellent today. They did flat work as well as short courses. His canter is really coming back to being near perfect.

Mani was a good horse too - he jumped the rolly-polly jump many times without hesitation.

July 26, 2011

Gary rode Mani in the morning and had a great ride.

Anna took a lesson in the evening and he did great. We're showing this weekend, so let's keep our fingers crossed:-)

July 25, 2011

LBR and Mani had the day off today as it is Monday.