Monday, August 1, 2011

July 28, 2011

Gary hauled LBR to the show in the early afternoon. He settled in nicely to his stall. Anna came out and schooled him in the evening. LBR was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. He was one of the calmest and most attentive horses schooling.

After the ride, we rinsed LBR off and put him in his stall for the night. As we were re-filling up all of the horses water buckets, I noticed one of the horses kept pawing and laying down. I alerted one of the other girls.

It ends up that the mare had coliced last Saturday and appeared to be doing it again. She was in the stall next to LBR's stall.

After a shot of banamine the mare appeared to relax. However, the owner who was working late came out around midnight and the mare was down again....screaming! All of the horses including LBR were stressed over this. The stable owner came out and took the mare to the emergency vet. Fortunately, the mare is going to be okay, but LBR didn't get much sleep because he stresses over other horses in distress.

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