Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 19, 2011

Headed to the stables @ 6:00 a.m. for the show. LBR loaded like a champ! Woo Hoo.

When we arrived at the show, LBR was mister-mellow. He didn't give a hoot about being tied to the trailer and munched on his hay.

After Cindy checked in and Gary had groomed/tacked LBR up, Gary legged up Cindy onto LBR..he took a couple of steps but didn't do anything bad - we need to work on this at home.

Cindy warmed him up in the arena and LBR was such a GOOD boy. The only problem was the crossrails were deep/wide and LBR would not trot out/over them.

Schooling Video

He even did a flying lead change during warm up that Cindy thought was a buck....clever he is.

Cindy decided to scratch the classes and just school LBR. He's such a GOOD BOY.

Loading back onto the trailer was just as easy...and they were done by 11:00 a.m. with Cindy taking LBR his alfalfa flake to his paddock.

Cindy thinks she may be over mounted based on pictures from the show:

Cindy on LBR:

Another Rider on their mount:

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