Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 26, 2011

Yay!! Busy day today. Ride LBR, go to a BBQ, visit a friend doing her first dressage tests at a schooling show and then back to the BBQ.

It was a very warm spring day - high of 90F degrees so Cindy expected a quiet ride on LBR. His flat work was amazing - with the smoothest canter ever. Instead of doing course work, the friends in the arena suggested doing the intro dressage tests.

It was a hoot watching Gary call the tests. However, it wasn't so funny when LBR's turn came and he HATED it. We've done the tests before, but not with Gary calling. LBR was excused from the sand and Cindy took him to the grass arena for an attitude correction.

They did a lot of trotting and flexing and eventually cantered in both directions. LBR was a dream...he tripped once and gently adjusted to Cindy's off balance position before picking the canter up perfectly. After the grass arena, Cindy took him on a brief trail ride to cool down. They were both sweating pretty good.

Cindy de-tacked and groomed LBR before they both took him back to his paddock for treats.

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