Gary & Cindy headed to the stables after Cindy got home from work. It was 99F degrees but rather than wait till later and get home too late, they braved the heat.
LBR had just finished dinner when they arrived (the stables are feeding later due to the heat).
Gary brought LBR up from the paddock and they groomed/tacked him up. There were thunderstorms on the west side of Austin (we're on the east side) that thankfully blocked the sun.
Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena and he was FABULOUS. He has the trot thing down now - nice and steady, flexible and ears perked. Cindy cantered him too tonight and that was PERFECT too. They did a few cross-rails before ending the ride with walking/cool down. There was only one other horse being worked in the arena tonight, but it is one that LBR doesn't like (yes - a pony mare). He started off for the first 1-2 minutes paying attention to her, but as Cindy ignored her, so did he...can you say PROUD!!!!
After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR and they returned him to his paddock for treats.
One of the yearlings (there are 5 in a big pasture) had escaped so Cindy & Gary put him back in his pasture with his friends.
When Cindy & Gary got back into the truck, it was still 92F degrees and quite muggy but seemed bearable as the sun was still blocked by the clouds.
We are a couple (Gary & Cindy) and this blog will be a journal of our experience retraining a thoroughbred race horse who has come off the track ("OTTB" = Off Track Thoroughbred).
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 27, 2010
LBR had a well earned break from riding today. Gary & Cindy are very lucky to have a good friend at the stables. They were so tired from the show that they failed to check their e-mail Saturday night. "Y" from the stables (the friend who took her horse to the LOPE show with them earlier in the month) had sent them a message saying she was going to give LBR a bath, love and treats on Sunday.
Gary and Cindy headed over to the stables around noon and "Y" was just returning LBR back to his paddock. He looked and smelled so good. 'Y' also let him graze for a while. We visited with her and then we all put LBR back in his paddock and treated him with carrots.
Thank you "Y"!!!!!
Gary and Cindy headed over to the stables around noon and "Y" was just returning LBR back to his paddock. He looked and smelled so good. 'Y' also let him graze for a while. We visited with her and then we all put LBR back in his paddock and treated him with carrots.
Thank you "Y"!!!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 26, 2010
Gary & Cindy got up at 4:30 a.m. to make it to the stables by 5:15 a.m. That meant only 5 hours of sleep for them both. The trainer refused to let us show under LBR's silly registered name so his show name has been chosen. He is showing under the the name 'Tingem'. This is a Bahamian phrase. It's similar to the phrase "thing-a-ma-jig". It can be used when you can't think of the name of something or someone. Examples..."Will you hand me that tingem?" "Tingem told me that they were going to the horse show."
Gary brought up LBR from his paddock. It was nearly a full moon and the stables were so quiet and peaceful. They helped the trainer load up the horses (six including LBR) and they headed out around 5:45 a.m. Their was a really neat eclipse of the moon this morning that was visible on the drive to Rio Vista (another Hunter/Jumper stable in Austin that was hosting the show). When they arrived, the "good" trailer spot under the huge Oak tree was already taken so the trainer had to park the rig in a slightly less shady spot.
Gary and Cindy helped fill up/tie up hay nets and unload horses. Other owners arrived as this was going on. Once everyone was settled into their spots tied to the trailers, Cindy headed to the show office to check LBR in. After that, it was time to lunge and school. Gary put on LBR's saddled and took him to lunge in the grassy area in his halter. LBR lunged pretty well. Gary brought LBR back to the trailer and they put on his bridle for schooling. Cindy rode LBR from the trailer to the schooling arena. LBR was still pretty overwhelmed by all of the show activities so the trainer recommended more lunging - this time in the round pen. Gary lunged LBR for another 20 minutes or so and he calmed down and started listening better.
Cindy then got back on LBR and schooled breifly before classes started at 8:00 a.m. The first class was the under-saddle/flat class. There were 12 horses in the class. Although LBR didn't place, Cindy & Gary were extremely proud of how he did. He wasn't phased by the other horses/ponies in the ring. Also, the arena was bordered on one side by a warm up ring and on the other by another ring that was hosting jumper classes. LBR ignored all of this and stayed focused.
The next two classes were cross-rail classes. LBR rocked the first class. The trainer encouraged Cindy to "bend" LBR and use more leg and LBR responded nicely. In the second cross-rail class LBR was getting the hang of it...maybe too well as he cantered out of the first cross-rail and then cantered/jumped over the second.
Cindy was entered into 2 more classes, but due to the late warm up and exhausting heat, she decided not to ride in those (the trainer agreed as LBR was tired too). There were 12 horses in all of the classes. LBR got 5th place in the first cross-rail class. The day continued for the other riders from our stable until about 2:00 p.m.
LBR stood well tied to the trailer and Gary gave him "breaks" and led him around the farm every hour or so. After the classes, Gary & Cindy helped pack up the equipment and load the horses. LBR loaded easily - with no nose rope required. Back at the stables, the unloading went smoothly.
While Gary led LBR to his paddock, Cindy unloaded the tack and grooming supply trunk from the truck into the tack room. They headed home about 3:30 p.m. tired, happy and very proud..
June 25, 2010 was a long day! There was so much to get done for tomorrow's show. Cindy headed to work at 7:30 a.m., ran to the tack shop during lunch to buy a show coat, shirt and breeches, and had to stop by another store on her way home to buy a belt.
Cindy and Gary headed to the stables when she got home around 7:00 p.m. Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed and tacked up. The barn was crazy-busy as everyone was there to wash/groom their horses for tomorrow's show. There was also a farrier doing "hot" shoeing so the smell at the barn was awful.
Cindy worked LBR for about 30 minutes at the walk and trot and then did some crossrail work.
After the ride, Gary bathed LBR and the trainer thinned out his mane. Gary clipped his whiskers and by the time all the primping was done it was 10:00 p.m.
Fingers crossed for the show tomorrow - it is the first ciruit show for Cindy & LBR.
Cindy and Gary headed to the stables when she got home around 7:00 p.m. Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed and tacked up. The barn was crazy-busy as everyone was there to wash/groom their horses for tomorrow's show. There was also a farrier doing "hot" shoeing so the smell at the barn was awful.
Cindy worked LBR for about 30 minutes at the walk and trot and then did some crossrail work.
After the ride, Gary bathed LBR and the trainer thinned out his mane. Gary clipped his whiskers and by the time all the primping was done it was 10:00 p.m.
Fingers crossed for the show tomorrow - it is the first ciruit show for Cindy & LBR.
June 24, 2010
Cindy stopped by the house after work to change into riding clothes and she and Gary headed to the stables.
Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed/tacked him. Cindy worked him at the walk and trot and over cross rails and LBR was well behaved.
After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR and they returned him to his paddock.
The weather is getting really HOT in Central Texas but Cindy & Gary are determined to keep the riding momentum going.
Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and they groomed/tacked him. Cindy worked him at the walk and trot and over cross rails and LBR was well behaved.
After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR and they returned him to his paddock.
The weather is getting really HOT in Central Texas but Cindy & Gary are determined to keep the riding momentum going.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 23, 2010
Gary & Cindy headed to the stables to groom LBR for a training lesson. The trainer was scheduled to ride at 8:00 but was running late and didn't get there until almost 8:30. LBR waited fairly patiently in the cross ties, but did get a little anxious for treats.
The training ride started out well at the walk/trot and cantering counter-clockwise. LBR relaxed and flexed nicely. The ride was interrupted a couple of times for conversations between the trainer and the staff.
After that, LBR was a different horse. He wouldn't take his right lead easily (took at least 4 attempts) and got frustrated. After a bit, he settled and cantered smoothly but still wasn't his easy going self.
The trainer brought him back to the trot and did a few cross-rail courses with him. He did pretty well, but still seemed to be holding a grudge about not having her undivided attention.
He sweat so much during the ride that he was wet from head to hoof. He really enjoyed the long cool rinse off after wards.
It was nearly 9:30 and dark by the time Cindy and Gary walked him back to his paddock for carrot treats so there was no grazing.
The training ride started out well at the walk/trot and cantering counter-clockwise. LBR relaxed and flexed nicely. The ride was interrupted a couple of times for conversations between the trainer and the staff.
After that, LBR was a different horse. He wouldn't take his right lead easily (took at least 4 attempts) and got frustrated. After a bit, he settled and cantered smoothly but still wasn't his easy going self.
The trainer brought him back to the trot and did a few cross-rail courses with him. He did pretty well, but still seemed to be holding a grudge about not having her undivided attention.
He sweat so much during the ride that he was wet from head to hoof. He really enjoyed the long cool rinse off after wards.
It was nearly 9:30 and dark by the time Cindy and Gary walked him back to his paddock for carrot treats so there was no grazing.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010 - "Videos from Lesson Today"
For some reason, Blogspot won't upload videos or insert links properly today so here are links to youtube videos from the lesson Cindy had on LBR today (you'll have to cut/paste):
June 20, 2010
Cindy had a lesson this morning so she and Gary headed over to the stables around 9:30. LBR was still enjoying his alfalfa flake when Gary arrived at his paddock to bring him up for the ride.
The lesson only had three riders in it so Cindy got a lot of good feedback. Cindy cantered LBR with the other riders for the first time in a lesson today. He did very well. After the lesson, Cindy took LBR for a trail ride into other horses paddocks to cool him down.
Gary gave Cindy a break after her long ride and detacked, groomed and rinsed LBR. Gary & Cindy walked LBR back towards his paddock for some grazing before they put him in his paddock, put on his fly mask and gave him some alfalfa treats. LBR had a double treat as he still had about 1/3 of his alfalfa flake left from breakfast.
The lesson only had three riders in it so Cindy got a lot of good feedback. Cindy cantered LBR with the other riders for the first time in a lesson today. He did very well. After the lesson, Cindy took LBR for a trail ride into other horses paddocks to cool him down.
Gary gave Cindy a break after her long ride and detacked, groomed and rinsed LBR. Gary & Cindy walked LBR back towards his paddock for some grazing before they put him in his paddock, put on his fly mask and gave him some alfalfa treats. LBR had a double treat as he still had about 1/3 of his alfalfa flake left from breakfast.
June 19, 2010
This is a guest blog. Gary & Cindy headed up to Waco to see some of the riders from the stables at a show. A friend at the stables rode LBR today and this is how she described it:
I rode your LBR today and he was a GOOD boy. I used all my tack, so i rode him in my plain snaffle. He was very good.
I just worked on staying at the same pace. After about 10 minutes, he figured it out and was just plain fun to ride.
As a reward, i dropped the reins and let him exit the arena and go where ever he wanted. BIG MISTAKE for me, as just like the energizer bunny, he went on, and on and on...
He took me all the way to BP's paddock, around the perimeter, smelled the hay, drank some water then out, and again in the next paddock. Walk around, smell the hay, drink water and out to the next paddock, and the next and the next. We only stopped because BP and Shiloh started running around like idiots and i had to put up LBR to bring them in.
I rode your LBR today and he was a GOOD boy. I used all my tack, so i rode him in my plain snaffle. He was very good.
I just worked on staying at the same pace. After about 10 minutes, he figured it out and was just plain fun to ride.
As a reward, i dropped the reins and let him exit the arena and go where ever he wanted. BIG MISTAKE for me, as just like the energizer bunny, he went on, and on and on...
He took me all the way to BP's paddock, around the perimeter, smelled the hay, drank some water then out, and again in the next paddock. Walk around, smell the hay, drink water and out to the next paddock, and the next and the next. We only stopped because BP and Shiloh started running around like idiots and i had to put up LBR to bring them in.
June 18, 2010
Cindy stopped by the house after work, changed clothes and she and Gary headed to the stables.
As usual, Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supplies.
LBR was in a super mellow mood. He fell asleep while they groomed him.
Cindy started her ride with work on the rail before doing some trotting serpentines to loosen LBR up. She cantered him both directions three times and he got his correct lead each time and cantered at a relaxed pace.
After the flat work, Cindy rode him through a few patterns before ending the ride with walking cool down.
Gary rinsed LBR off after Cindy unsaddled him and they both led him to the paddock - stopping along the way for some grazing.
As usual, Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supplies.
LBR was in a super mellow mood. He fell asleep while they groomed him.
Cindy started her ride with work on the rail before doing some trotting serpentines to loosen LBR up. She cantered him both directions three times and he got his correct lead each time and cantered at a relaxed pace.
After the flat work, Cindy rode him through a few patterns before ending the ride with walking cool down.
Gary rinsed LBR off after Cindy unsaddled him and they both led him to the paddock - stopping along the way for some grazing.
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 17, 2010
Cindy stopped by the house after work, changed clothes and then she and Gary headed to the stables around 6:30.
Gary brought LBR up from the paddock as Cindy staged all the tack and grooming supplies.
They groomed and tacked LBR up and Cindy headed to the sand arena for their ride. LBR has gotten spoiled to expecting a treat at the mounting block (Cindy NEVER gives him one, but the trainer & Gary do somtimes). He turns his head and tries to sniff treats out and as Cindy walks up the stairs, he backs up. Cindy worked with him patiently to stand still and found that if she stood first with him for about 1 minute, he wouldn't back up.
There was a lot of commotion at the stables tonight. The stable-hand was mowing paddocks with the tractor and another person was mowing around the outside of the sand arena with a hand mower.
LBR was a little anxious over it all, but Cindy decided to ride him through it rather than head to the grass arena.
LBR yielded nicely at the walk and trot and loosened up after about 20 minutes. Cindy then cantered him clockwise. He got the lead perfectly, but when just as they got to the end where the mowing was going on, the person pushing the mower lifted it up to make a turn and LBR "spooked". Spooked is in quotes because this was at the canter and it was really a lateral move of about 10 feet in one stride. Cindy stayed on and cantered him on around until he calmed nicely in a large circle at the opposite end of the arena.
She then trotted him a bit before asking for the canter counterclockwise. Once again he got the correct lead. She repeated the cantering in both directions three more times and couldn't have been prouder of how LBR handled it all.
During Cindy's ride, Gary rode a friends horse and had fun.
After the ride, Cindy led LBR back to the grooming stalls, de-tacked and cleaned his hooves before Gary rinsed him off.
They all took a leasurely stroll back to the paddock and Gary & Cindy headed home around 9:00 p.m.
Gary brought LBR up from the paddock as Cindy staged all the tack and grooming supplies.
They groomed and tacked LBR up and Cindy headed to the sand arena for their ride. LBR has gotten spoiled to expecting a treat at the mounting block (Cindy NEVER gives him one, but the trainer & Gary do somtimes). He turns his head and tries to sniff treats out and as Cindy walks up the stairs, he backs up. Cindy worked with him patiently to stand still and found that if she stood first with him for about 1 minute, he wouldn't back up.
There was a lot of commotion at the stables tonight. The stable-hand was mowing paddocks with the tractor and another person was mowing around the outside of the sand arena with a hand mower.
LBR was a little anxious over it all, but Cindy decided to ride him through it rather than head to the grass arena.
LBR yielded nicely at the walk and trot and loosened up after about 20 minutes. Cindy then cantered him clockwise. He got the lead perfectly, but when just as they got to the end where the mowing was going on, the person pushing the mower lifted it up to make a turn and LBR "spooked". Spooked is in quotes because this was at the canter and it was really a lateral move of about 10 feet in one stride. Cindy stayed on and cantered him on around until he calmed nicely in a large circle at the opposite end of the arena.
She then trotted him a bit before asking for the canter counterclockwise. Once again he got the correct lead. She repeated the cantering in both directions three more times and couldn't have been prouder of how LBR handled it all.
During Cindy's ride, Gary rode a friends horse and had fun.
After the ride, Cindy led LBR back to the grooming stalls, de-tacked and cleaned his hooves before Gary rinsed him off.
They all took a leasurely stroll back to the paddock and Gary & Cindy headed home around 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16, 2010
LBR had a training ride from his trainer today.
She injured her ankle a couple of weeks ago and is unable to jump so this ride was focused on flat work. The sand arena was being maintained so she rode him in the grass arena.
Gary was there to watch and said LBR did great. She worked on half passes and also focused on slowing his canter a bit.
LBR has really learned to carry his bit and round out his back. After the ride, the trainer commented that LBR was GREAT today. She's not the type to say it if she doesn't mean it. Gary & Cindy are very proud.
After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR off before returning him to his paddock.
Cindy is excited about riding tomorrow as her legs have recovered and are not "tired" anymore.
She injured her ankle a couple of weeks ago and is unable to jump so this ride was focused on flat work. The sand arena was being maintained so she rode him in the grass arena.
Gary was there to watch and said LBR did great. She worked on half passes and also focused on slowing his canter a bit.
LBR has really learned to carry his bit and round out his back. After the ride, the trainer commented that LBR was GREAT today. She's not the type to say it if she doesn't mean it. Gary & Cindy are very proud.
After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR off before returning him to his paddock.
Cindy is excited about riding tomorrow as her legs have recovered and are not "tired" anymore.
June 15, 2010
Finally...a day of rest for LBR & Cindy's legs!!!
Gary did have to run to the stables in the evening to pick up his cell phone that he had forgotten last night. He made a quick walk down to see LBR who was unaware of his visit and munching hay contently in the middle of his paddock.
Gary did have to run to the stables in the evening to pick up his cell phone that he had forgotten last night. He made a quick walk down to see LBR who was unaware of his visit and munching hay contently in the middle of his paddock.
June 14, 2010
Cindy stopped by the house after work and she and Gary headed to the stables together.
After grooming and tacking up, Cindy led LBR to the sand arena. There were lessons in progress so she mounted in the sand arena and rode down to the grass arena.
LBR felt a little stiff when she started riding. He was probably sore as this was his fifth straight day riding and last nights lesson was pretty intense.
Cindy worked him on serpentines in and around the jumps for a while at the trot and he loosened up.
He was responding very well and was relaxed. Cindy cantered him both directions and he picked up his leads correctly each time.
After the work, Cindy cooled him down at the walk for a while. Gary then detacked, groomed and rinsed him off. LBR was in a coma like state in the wash stall. He was enjoying the cool water and quiet.
After Gary returned LBR to his paddock, Gary rode a friends horse breifly. He is an older paint gelding who took one of the young girls at the stables up to the 2'9 level before he stopped enjoying it. Gary looked good on him and got the horse to walk over ground poles and trot over cross rails....something the horse hasn't been happy with.
Gary detacked and groomed the friends horse and he and Cindy headed home around 9:00 p.m.
After grooming and tacking up, Cindy led LBR to the sand arena. There were lessons in progress so she mounted in the sand arena and rode down to the grass arena.
LBR felt a little stiff when she started riding. He was probably sore as this was his fifth straight day riding and last nights lesson was pretty intense.
Cindy worked him on serpentines in and around the jumps for a while at the trot and he loosened up.
He was responding very well and was relaxed. Cindy cantered him both directions and he picked up his leads correctly each time.
After the work, Cindy cooled him down at the walk for a while. Gary then detacked, groomed and rinsed him off. LBR was in a coma like state in the wash stall. He was enjoying the cool water and quiet.
After Gary returned LBR to his paddock, Gary rode a friends horse breifly. He is an older paint gelding who took one of the young girls at the stables up to the 2'9 level before he stopped enjoying it. Gary looked good on him and got the horse to walk over ground poles and trot over cross rails....something the horse hasn't been happy with.
Gary detacked and groomed the friends horse and he and Cindy headed home around 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 13, 2010
We had an evening lesson this Sunday night. LBR was so good. He never pulled on the bit and was quite calm. Enjoy the video - Cindy is so sore from riding this week:-(
One Way:
The Other Way:
One Way:
The Other Way:
Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 12, 2010
Gary had a golf tournament in the morning so he and Cindy headed over to the stables in the late evening - around 7:00 p.m.
When they arrived, the stables were quiet - no other boarders. Gary brought LBR up from the paddock as Cindy got the tack and grooming supplies staged.
As Gary was grooming, Cindy found an unopened peppermint in another grooming stall. She gave it to LBR and he was hilarious....he licked his lips conitniously for about 10 minutes. He didn't anxious for another treat the entire time he was groomed and tacked.
Cindy led him to the sand arena for their ride. LBR did very well tonight. His pace was perfect and he was flexing and responsive. Cindy decided not to canter but focus on enjoying the simple ride that LBR was giving her. They did flat work and then started patterns. Again...LBR was so good. He never rushed cross-rails, traveled away in straight lines and seemed to be having a great time.
Gary commented that it was their best ride ever.
After the ride, Cindy cooled LBR by walking in the sand arena. Once LBR was cooled down, Gary de-tacked and rinsed LBR off. LBR had foamy sweat butt. The thing that was cool about that was it was from exercise and not from nerves.
After rinsing, Gary & Cindy took LBR to the common area for grazing before returning him to his paddock. Cindy checked LBR's water trough (it was full) and Gary inspected LBR's hay (big round bale - getting low, but still a few more days to go).
Gary treated LBR by his hay while Cindy left the paddock. Once Gary ran out of treats, LBR ran to the gate to see if Cindy had more. She did and LBR enjoyed the extra carrot.
It was 9:00 p.m. and getting dark by the time Gary & Cindy left the stables. It was so nice because the temperature had dropped into the mid 80's.
When they arrived, the stables were quiet - no other boarders. Gary brought LBR up from the paddock as Cindy got the tack and grooming supplies staged.
As Gary was grooming, Cindy found an unopened peppermint in another grooming stall. She gave it to LBR and he was hilarious....he licked his lips conitniously for about 10 minutes. He didn't anxious for another treat the entire time he was groomed and tacked.
Cindy led him to the sand arena for their ride. LBR did very well tonight. His pace was perfect and he was flexing and responsive. Cindy decided not to canter but focus on enjoying the simple ride that LBR was giving her. They did flat work and then started patterns. Again...LBR was so good. He never rushed cross-rails, traveled away in straight lines and seemed to be having a great time.
Gary commented that it was their best ride ever.
After the ride, Cindy cooled LBR by walking in the sand arena. Once LBR was cooled down, Gary de-tacked and rinsed LBR off. LBR had foamy sweat butt. The thing that was cool about that was it was from exercise and not from nerves.
After rinsing, Gary & Cindy took LBR to the common area for grazing before returning him to his paddock. Cindy checked LBR's water trough (it was full) and Gary inspected LBR's hay (big round bale - getting low, but still a few more days to go).
Gary treated LBR by his hay while Cindy left the paddock. Once Gary ran out of treats, LBR ran to the gate to see if Cindy had more. She did and LBR enjoyed the extra carrot.
It was 9:00 p.m. and getting dark by the time Gary & Cindy left the stables. It was so nice because the temperature had dropped into the mid 80's.
June 11, 2010
Cindy headed over to the stables after work. Gary was playing in a golf tournament and arrived as Cindy was grooming LBR after bringing him up from his paddock.
LBR had found some mud to roll in and had to be curried off. Sometimes Cindy & Gary wish he would be more mud averse.
Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena. It was packed down from the rain and soft in a few spots which they avoided.
There were 3-4 other horses in the arena being ridden at the same time. LBR stayed fairly focused but as he had not been ridden seriously much this week he was a bit of a handful at times. Cindy attempted to canter him a couple of times but he was struggling with getting the correct lead and was a bit frisky. She decided to bring him back to the trot and they did some good course work.
Gary rode LBR for a while after Cindy. LBR was quiet tired by the end of the rides.
Gary cooled LBR by walking in the sand arena for a bit. They then de-tacked, rinsed and groomed LBR.
At the end of the night, they led him to his paddock and gave him treats before leaving.
LBR had found some mud to roll in and had to be curried off. Sometimes Cindy & Gary wish he would be more mud averse.
Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena. It was packed down from the rain and soft in a few spots which they avoided.
There were 3-4 other horses in the arena being ridden at the same time. LBR stayed fairly focused but as he had not been ridden seriously much this week he was a bit of a handful at times. Cindy attempted to canter him a couple of times but he was struggling with getting the correct lead and was a bit frisky. She decided to bring him back to the trot and they did some good course work.
Gary rode LBR for a while after Cindy. LBR was quiet tired by the end of the rides.
Gary cooled LBR by walking in the sand arena for a bit. They then de-tacked, rinsed and groomed LBR.
At the end of the night, they led him to his paddock and gave him treats before leaving.
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 10, 2010
Gary headed over in the morning to groom LBR and access the condition of the arenas. Due to the rain this week, both the sand and grass arenas were too wet to ride.
Gary brought the mud-coated LBR up from his paddock and groomed him. He decided to take LBR for a "trail ride" around the property. All of the "stalled" horses had been brought in from their paddocks so they had a lot of new areas to explore.
Gary started out in the grass arena - just walking due to the mud. LBR was very mellow and seemed to enjoy being out of his muddy paddock. They then headed into each 1.5 acre paddock (about 5 of them) on the south part of the property. After this, they rode up/down the driveway.
LBR's leg yielding is getting good. He navigated gates and turns with almost no reins.
After the ride, Gary groomed LBR before letting him graze on the lead for a bit. He returned LBR to his paddock for treats.
In the evening, Cindy & Gary headed over to a neighbors stable to ride her horses (she is out of town for a while). She has a quarter horse mare (Peka - sp?), a recently acquired OTTB (Lexus), a rescue 14 mo. old (no-name) and an "old" (20+ years) thoroughbred (Barney). Her facilities are gorgeous - including a dressage arena with perfect footing.
After a bit of "chasing" in the huge pasture (50+ acres), Gary and Cindy finally figured out the routine of how to catch them. They put food in a small bucket, opened the runs from their stalls that lead out to the pasture and Peka & Lexus came right in.
Cindy groomed Peka while Gary groomed Lexus. Peka can be ridden English or Western so Cindy decided to try Western. Gary lunged Lexus for a bit before saddling her with a dressage saddle. Cindy headed to the arena with Peka for her "cowboy" ride. Peka did great. Cindy walked, jogged and loped her (funny new terms - huh). They rode for about 45 minutes. Gary joined in the ride in the arena with Lexus. She is 10 years old, but green. After a bit, she calmed down nicely and Gary was able to trot her for a few rounds.
After the ride, Gary & Cindy rinsed the mares and returned them to their pasture for the night.
Gary brought the mud-coated LBR up from his paddock and groomed him. He decided to take LBR for a "trail ride" around the property. All of the "stalled" horses had been brought in from their paddocks so they had a lot of new areas to explore.
Gary started out in the grass arena - just walking due to the mud. LBR was very mellow and seemed to enjoy being out of his muddy paddock. They then headed into each 1.5 acre paddock (about 5 of them) on the south part of the property. After this, they rode up/down the driveway.
LBR's leg yielding is getting good. He navigated gates and turns with almost no reins.
After the ride, Gary groomed LBR before letting him graze on the lead for a bit. He returned LBR to his paddock for treats.
In the evening, Cindy & Gary headed over to a neighbors stable to ride her horses (she is out of town for a while). She has a quarter horse mare (Peka - sp?), a recently acquired OTTB (Lexus), a rescue 14 mo. old (no-name) and an "old" (20+ years) thoroughbred (Barney). Her facilities are gorgeous - including a dressage arena with perfect footing.
After a bit of "chasing" in the huge pasture (50+ acres), Gary and Cindy finally figured out the routine of how to catch them. They put food in a small bucket, opened the runs from their stalls that lead out to the pasture and Peka & Lexus came right in.
Cindy groomed Peka while Gary groomed Lexus. Peka can be ridden English or Western so Cindy decided to try Western. Gary lunged Lexus for a bit before saddling her with a dressage saddle. Cindy headed to the arena with Peka for her "cowboy" ride. Peka did great. Cindy walked, jogged and loped her (funny new terms - huh). They rode for about 45 minutes. Gary joined in the ride in the arena with Lexus. She is 10 years old, but green. After a bit, she calmed down nicely and Gary was able to trot her for a few rounds.
After the ride, Gary & Cindy rinsed the mares and returned them to their pasture for the night.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
June 9, 2010
It rained nearly 4" overnight and during the day. No visit for LBR tonight. Unfortunately, this means a few days of drying out before we can ride, but Cindy needs to go over for a visit tomorrow to get her LBR fix.
June 8, 2010
Gary headed over to lunge LBR while Cindy took a break from the stables.
Instead of lunging LBR, Gary groomed him in his paddock and let him eat some grass before helping another boarder with her horse.
Cindy had a rough day at work and really needed the break.
Instead of lunging LBR, Gary groomed him in his paddock and let him eat some grass before helping another boarder with her horse.
Cindy had a rough day at work and really needed the break.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June 7, 2010
Back to work for Cindy. Afterward, she and Gary headed to the stables.
Gary led LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the grooming supplies and tack.
LBR was a bit frisky from having the day off so Gary lunged him in the round pen. LBR started off rusty, got ornery and finally calmed down nicely. He was quite sweaty from being frisky.
Cindy rode him in the sand arena for about 45 minutes. They worked on leg yields, transitions up/down from the trot and flexing in figure eights/circles.
After flat work, Cindy rode him through three (3) different course patterns over cross-rails and LBR was well behaved - no rushing in our out of the obstacles.
Cindy cooled him off by walking him on a totally loose rein and guiding him with legs only.
Gary rinsed LBR off and all three headed to the common area for a peaceful round of grazing. The night ended with a few alfalfa cubes and a beautiful sunset.
Gary led LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the grooming supplies and tack.
LBR was a bit frisky from having the day off so Gary lunged him in the round pen. LBR started off rusty, got ornery and finally calmed down nicely. He was quite sweaty from being frisky.
Cindy rode him in the sand arena for about 45 minutes. They worked on leg yields, transitions up/down from the trot and flexing in figure eights/circles.
After flat work, Cindy rode him through three (3) different course patterns over cross-rails and LBR was well behaved - no rushing in our out of the obstacles.
Cindy cooled him off by walking him on a totally loose rein and guiding him with legs only.
Gary rinsed LBR off and all three headed to the common area for a peaceful round of grazing. The night ended with a few alfalfa cubes and a beautiful sunset.
June 6, 2010
Today was a day of rest for LBR, Gary & Cindy after the excitement of the past two(2) days.
Cindy & Gary headed over to the stables in the evening to drop off LBR's supplements. They haltered him and let him graze for a bit and then returned him to his paddock with his fly mask on.
Cindy & Gary headed over to the stables in the evening to drop off LBR's supplements. They haltered him and let him graze for a bit and then returned him to his paddock with his fly mask on.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
June 5, 2010

Wow...the big day is finally here - LBR's first show. Gary & Cindy left the hotel around 6:30 a.m. to head to the show grounds.
LBR & BP were well rested and ready for their breakfast. LBR called to Gary & Cindy as they got out of the truck.
Cindy fed the horses while Gary cleaned stalls (Cindy is lucky). BP's owner arrived around 7:30 a.m.
LBR was shown in four classes - two each by Cindy & Gary: Ground Poles-Novice; Cross Rails; Halter-Geldings; and In Hand Trail.
Cindy changed into her show clothes around 8:00 a.m. as Gary tacked up LBR for schooling. They headed over to the schooling ring and Cindy rode for a while. LBR didn't seem comfortable and wasn't moving out. Gary rode for a few minutes and agreed. They decided that he was uncomfortable with his new saddle pad and girth so they took him back to his stall and switched to his schooling pad and girth.
Cindy then rode him breifly in the warm up area and LBR settled.
The first class was Cindy riding LBR over ground poles. There were 12 people in the class. Most entries were cute kids riding even cuter ponies. Most trotted the course, but because LBR had a rough start Cindy walked the course. LBR ROCKED!!!!! He was responsive to leg aids and walked perfectly over the center of the poles. The only "fear" he had was of the Horse-Eating-Dumpster outside the arena. He did however yeild to leg aids and go on a loose rein the entire time - even bending at the poll/keeping his nose down.
Cindy had no hopes of ribbons today so she got a little teary eyed when they finished in 5th place...take that you cute kids and ponies (just kidding).
The next class was cross-rails. Cindy started LBR with a circle after entering the arena to "settle" LBR. She brought him up to the trot and posted as he went calmly over the first cross-rail. On the second one, she took the half-seat position. LBR took that as WOO HOO...we can jump and canter. He dropped his head and was about to kick out when Cindy corrected him and made him stop. She circled back around at the walk and made him go calmly over the cross-rail before withdrawing from the class. Oh well, it's all part of the learning experience for them both.
Gary & Cindy took LBR back to his stall to take off his saddle and groom him. By the time they had finished, it was time for Gary to show him in halter in the indoor arena. There were 20 horses in the class. Gary led LBR up to the judge and trotted him away in a perfect line. LBR was calm but perky in the class. He stood nicely and Gary was so proud of him. Unfortunately, the only horses that placed in the class were quarter horses - oh well,'s about the experience and cause (LOPE charity). Gary took LBR back to his stall for a little rest before haltering him back up for the in-hand trail class.
Gary and Cindy did not know what to expect from LBR for this. The course included opening/closing a gate, walking over poles, trotting over poles in a circle, walking over a wooden "bridge", backing up in a "L" between poles, turning around in a circle in a 6' square made of poles and then trotting a serpantine through cones.
LBR is so trusting of Gary....he did the gate, poles and pin-wheel trot over poles perfectly. The first attempt over the bridge, Gary walked to the left of the bridge so LBR did too. The second time, Gary walked over the bridge adn so did LBR (can you say PROUD?). The next obstacle - backing the "L" started off very well. They backed the first portion, made the turn, but unfortunately LBR stepped out with one foot. After that, they did the circle in the square PERFECTLY. The square was so small that LBR had to keep his legs under him and take the tiniest steps. They finished up the course trotting the serpantine flawlessly. LBR may have placed in this class, but the placings were not announced before they headed back home.
BP was not feeling well so rather than stay for the rest of the day, they headed home around 1:30 p.m. The trip back was uneventful. Both horses loaded easily and traffic was not bad.
As they pulled into the stables LBR announced his return to everyone as they drove the quarter mile down the driveway. "Whinny, Whinny, I was a winner. Whinny, Whinny, I'm back".
LBR was a bit hot from the ride so Gary rinsed him off before putting him back into his paddock where Cindy had placed his morning alfalfa.
Cindy and Gary returned the trailer to the neighbor's stables and cleaned it out before heading home around 3:30 p.m.
Wow - this was a long two (2) days.
June 4, 2010
Cindy took the day off of work to go to the LOPE horse show.
Gary headed over to the neighbor's stables to hook up the trailer early in the morning and let Cindy sleep in a bit (that means getting up at 7:30 a.m. instead of 5:30 a.m. to Cindy).
They loaded up the buckets, cooler, chairs, etc. and headed over to the stables around noon. As expected, LBR was a muddy mess so when Gary brought him up from the paddock, they headed directly into the wash stall for a bath.
After the bath, they groomed and LBR dry. It was miserably hot and humid:-(
Around 2:30 p.m., they loaded up LBR and his stablemate BP and headed out for San Marcos.
They arrived around 3:30 p.m., checked into the show and unloaded the horses. BP's owner and husband had followed them down and were a big help with the unloading.
After getting LBR settled into his stall with water and hay, Gary & Cindy walked around the show grounds. The Hays County Civic Center is a nice facility with an air conditioned (yeah!!) indoor arena and an outdoor warm up/schooling arena.
Around 5:30 p.m., Gary led LBR into the indoor arena to see how he would do. LBR was really calm and cool (pun intended). He's no fool - air conditioning ROCKS!
Since LBR was so calm, they decided to saddle him up for a ride. Cindy rode him in the indoor arena and LBR continued to be relaxed. She walked and trotted him for nearly an hour and he worked well on a loose rein.
The arena got a bit crowded after a while and some of the people were not used to riding in arenas (didn't know how to pass correctly). One rider cantered up behind LBR so closely that her horses tail swished Cindy's leg as she passed. LBR "scooted" about 6' sideways but didn't panic. He calmed quickly and Cindy ended the ride on a good/relaxed note.
After letting LBR rest in his stall for a while, Gary led LBR out to the schooling ring and grassy areas of the show grounds. He was very calm.
Gary & Cindy put LBR back into his stall around 8:30 p.m. and headed to their hotel for a much needed shower. They went out to dinner and finally settled into bed around 11:00 p.m.
Gary headed over to the neighbor's stables to hook up the trailer early in the morning and let Cindy sleep in a bit (that means getting up at 7:30 a.m. instead of 5:30 a.m. to Cindy).
They loaded up the buckets, cooler, chairs, etc. and headed over to the stables around noon. As expected, LBR was a muddy mess so when Gary brought him up from the paddock, they headed directly into the wash stall for a bath.
After the bath, they groomed and LBR dry. It was miserably hot and humid:-(
Around 2:30 p.m., they loaded up LBR and his stablemate BP and headed out for San Marcos.
They arrived around 3:30 p.m., checked into the show and unloaded the horses. BP's owner and husband had followed them down and were a big help with the unloading.
After getting LBR settled into his stall with water and hay, Gary & Cindy walked around the show grounds. The Hays County Civic Center is a nice facility with an air conditioned (yeah!!) indoor arena and an outdoor warm up/schooling arena.
Around 5:30 p.m., Gary led LBR into the indoor arena to see how he would do. LBR was really calm and cool (pun intended). He's no fool - air conditioning ROCKS!
Since LBR was so calm, they decided to saddle him up for a ride. Cindy rode him in the indoor arena and LBR continued to be relaxed. She walked and trotted him for nearly an hour and he worked well on a loose rein.
The arena got a bit crowded after a while and some of the people were not used to riding in arenas (didn't know how to pass correctly). One rider cantered up behind LBR so closely that her horses tail swished Cindy's leg as she passed. LBR "scooted" about 6' sideways but didn't panic. He calmed quickly and Cindy ended the ride on a good/relaxed note.
After letting LBR rest in his stall for a while, Gary led LBR out to the schooling ring and grassy areas of the show grounds. He was very calm.
Gary & Cindy put LBR back into his stall around 8:30 p.m. and headed to their hotel for a much needed shower. They went out to dinner and finally settled into bed around 11:00 p.m.
June 3, 2010
Due to > 1" of rain over the past 24 hours, no ride tonight:-(
Tomorrow is a big day....hauling down to San Marcos, TX for the LOPE Charity Horse show on Saturday.
Tomorrow is a big day....hauling down to San Marcos, TX for the LOPE Charity Horse show on Saturday.
June 2, 2010
Cindy rushed to the stables directly from work. Thunderstorms were rapidly approaching Central Texas.
She changed into riding clothes while Gary groomed and tacked LBR. They headed to the sand arena for the evening ride.
LBR was absolutely perfect. Cindy rode him at the walk/trot over ground poles and cross rails and he worked off of a loose rein - almost entirely with leg queues. Cindy rode in the arena for about 45 minutes before handing LBR off to Gary for a trail ride.
After the rides, Cindy & Gary groomed LBR quickly before leading him to his paddock. In the few minutes it took to lead him there, the temperature dropped 15F degrees. All of the horses were galloping in their paddocks and LBR was "dancing" on the lead line. Gary put him in his paddock, Cindy left treats in his bucket and they walked quickly to their cars just in time before the rain started.
She changed into riding clothes while Gary groomed and tacked LBR. They headed to the sand arena for the evening ride.
LBR was absolutely perfect. Cindy rode him at the walk/trot over ground poles and cross rails and he worked off of a loose rein - almost entirely with leg queues. Cindy rode in the arena for about 45 minutes before handing LBR off to Gary for a trail ride.
After the rides, Cindy & Gary groomed LBR quickly before leading him to his paddock. In the few minutes it took to lead him there, the temperature dropped 15F degrees. All of the horses were galloping in their paddocks and LBR was "dancing" on the lead line. Gary put him in his paddock, Cindy left treats in his bucket and they walked quickly to their cars just in time before the rain started.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1, 2010
Cindy promised pictures from the last week and didn't deliver....she has tonight off from riding so please enjoy: Monday (5/24/2010) - Cindy & LBR in the sand arena 
Tuesday (5/25/2010)- Cindy & LBR in the grass arena
Wednesday (5/26/2010) - Training ride for LBR. He started out well, but got in trouble and had to go back to ground work.
Tuesday (5/25/2010)- Cindy & LBR in the grass arena
May 31, 2010
Gary & Cindy headed to the stables around 9:30 a.m to beat the heat.
LBR led nicely from his paddock by Gary while Cindy brought out all the tack/grooming supplies.
Cindy tried her field boots today for the first time.
After tacking up, Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena. LBR did his flat work well and worked off of Cindy's leg in full boots like he never has in half-chaps. Cindy started doing courses at the trot. LBR had a lot of energy due to the fact that it was only 82F and breezy. He was anxious so Cindy worked him on serpantines in between patterns.
LBR was loving cantering after his jumps and Cindy indulged him but when he rushed off at the canter she "aint' aint'" him after the third time.
LBR was perfect after that...cantering away straightly and coming back to the trot nicely.
Cindy got "hot" before LBR and Gary rode LBR for a while. LBR & Gary had a great time. By the time Cindy had taken off her boots and returned to watch, Gary was trotting LBR over cross rails and cantering away for the first time. It was TOO CUTE!!! No form, but the guys were in balance and having a great time.
After the ride, Gary gave LBR a shamppoo while Cindy put up tack. The humidity was finally low so LBR was almost dry when Gary & Cindy led him to his paddock for treats and pats.
LBR led nicely from his paddock by Gary while Cindy brought out all the tack/grooming supplies.
Cindy tried her field boots today for the first time.
After tacking up, Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena. LBR did his flat work well and worked off of Cindy's leg in full boots like he never has in half-chaps. Cindy started doing courses at the trot. LBR had a lot of energy due to the fact that it was only 82F and breezy. He was anxious so Cindy worked him on serpantines in between patterns.
LBR was loving cantering after his jumps and Cindy indulged him but when he rushed off at the canter she "aint' aint'" him after the third time.
LBR was perfect after that...cantering away straightly and coming back to the trot nicely.
Cindy got "hot" before LBR and Gary rode LBR for a while. LBR & Gary had a great time. By the time Cindy had taken off her boots and returned to watch, Gary was trotting LBR over cross rails and cantering away for the first time. It was TOO CUTE!!! No form, but the guys were in balance and having a great time.
After the ride, Gary gave LBR a shamppoo while Cindy put up tack. The humidity was finally low so LBR was almost dry when Gary & Cindy led him to his paddock for treats and pats.
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