Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 26, 2010

Gary & Cindy got up at 4:30 a.m. to make it to the stables by 5:15 a.m. That meant only 5 hours of sleep for them both. The trainer refused to let us show under LBR's silly registered name so his show name has been chosen. He is showing under the the name 'Tingem'. This is a Bahamian phrase. It's similar to the phrase "thing-a-ma-jig". It can be used when you can't think of the name of something or someone. Examples..."Will you hand me that tingem?" "Tingem told me that they were going to the horse show."

Gary brought up LBR from his paddock. It was nearly a full moon and the stables were so quiet and peaceful. They helped the trainer load up the horses (six including LBR) and they headed out around 5:45 a.m. Their was a really neat eclipse of the moon this morning that was visible on the drive to Rio Vista (another Hunter/Jumper stable in Austin that was hosting the show). When they arrived, the "good" trailer spot under the huge Oak tree was already taken so the trainer had to park the rig in a slightly less shady spot.

Gary and Cindy helped fill up/tie up hay nets and unload horses. Other owners arrived as this was going on. Once everyone was settled into their spots tied to the trailers, Cindy headed to the show office to check LBR in. After that, it was time to lunge and school. Gary put on LBR's saddled and took him to lunge in the grassy area in his halter. LBR lunged pretty well. Gary brought LBR back to the trailer and they put on his bridle for schooling. Cindy rode LBR from the trailer to the schooling arena. LBR was still pretty overwhelmed by all of the show activities so the trainer recommended more lunging - this time in the round pen. Gary lunged LBR for another 20 minutes or so and he calmed down and started listening better.

Cindy then got back on LBR and schooled breifly before classes started at 8:00 a.m. The first class was the under-saddle/flat class. There were 12 horses in the class. Although LBR didn't place, Cindy & Gary were extremely proud of how he did. He wasn't phased by the other horses/ponies in the ring. Also, the arena was bordered on one side by a warm up ring and on the other by another ring that was hosting jumper classes. LBR ignored all of this and stayed focused.

The next two classes were cross-rail classes. LBR rocked the first class. The trainer encouraged Cindy to "bend" LBR and use more leg and LBR responded nicely. In the second cross-rail class LBR was getting the hang of it...maybe too well as he cantered out of the first cross-rail and then cantered/jumped over the second.

Cindy was entered into 2 more classes, but due to the late warm up and exhausting heat, she decided not to ride in those (the trainer agreed as LBR was tired too). There were 12 horses in all of the classes. LBR got 5th place in the first cross-rail class. The day continued for the other riders from our stable until about 2:00 p.m.

LBR stood well tied to the trailer and Gary gave him "breaks" and led him around the farm every hour or so. After the classes, Gary & Cindy helped pack up the equipment and load the horses. LBR loaded easily - with no nose rope required. Back at the stables, the unloading went smoothly.

While Gary led LBR to his paddock, Cindy unloaded the tack and grooming supply trunk from the truck into the tack room. They headed home about 3:30 p.m. tired, happy and very proud..

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