This is a guest blog. Gary & Cindy headed up to Waco to see some of the riders from the stables at a show. A friend at the stables rode LBR today and this is how she described it:
I rode your LBR today and he was a GOOD boy. I used all my tack, so i rode him in my plain snaffle. He was very good.
I just worked on staying at the same pace. After about 10 minutes, he figured it out and was just plain fun to ride.
As a reward, i dropped the reins and let him exit the arena and go where ever he wanted. BIG MISTAKE for me, as just like the energizer bunny, he went on, and on and on...
He took me all the way to BP's paddock, around the perimeter, smelled the hay, drank some water then out, and again in the next paddock. Walk around, smell the hay, drink water and out to the next paddock, and the next and the next. We only stopped because BP and Shiloh started running around like idiots and i had to put up LBR to bring them in.
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