Cindy headed back to work (it's Monday) and Gary headed over to the stables.
LBR was buried in his hay and Gary had to walk back into the paddock to get him.
LBR had not rolled so grooming was easy. Due to LBR leaning on the bit yesterday during his lesson, Gary decided to lunge LBR in the round pen with side reins.
LBR was a bit forward, but Gary used the command "head down" and LBR gave to the pressure nicely. Gary lunged LBR at the walk/trot/canter and he did well.
Afterwards, Gary decided to ride LBR in the round pen with a halter/lead rope and do some "natural horse training". LBR responded very well. They worked at the walk and on flexing (Gary tossing the lead rope in front of him to work different sides) and did great. They also did "whoa's" and backing well.
Afterwards, Gary groomed took LBR back to his paddock for treats and more yummy hay.
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