Gary headed to the stables in the afternoon. LBR greeted him at the gate. They headed to the stables for rinsing of the legs and grooming. LBR was very mellow.
They started with a short ride in the sand arena with our edge bit. Gary decided to switch to a milder bit and lunge in the grass arena with side reins. That went well so Gary rode him in the grass arena for MANY laps at the trot until LBR started to flex properly.
Once they had mastered this and relaxed, Gary took LBR for a trail ride. They headed down towards the trailer area and LBR was relaxed. They made the turn down the main entrance and LBR still did well.
Gary wanted to have today be a "good" experience so he turned LBR back towards the stables. LBR was suddenly aware of the concrete blocks that he had passed going the other way. After some encouragement, LBR calmed down and the returned to the stables.
Gary groomed him, returned him to his paddock and gave LBR his treats.
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