Monday, April 5, 2010

April 4, 2010

Sunday was a day for Cindy to relax. Although she initially woke up around 6:30 a.m., she went back to sleep and and crawled out of bed around 10:30 a.m. Gary fixed a wonderful breakfast and they chilled around the house until around 2:00 p.m. before heading to the stables.

Gary led LBR up from his paddock as Cindy chatted with a potential boarder. She commented on how handsome LBR is as Gary led him by.

Gary & Cindy groomed/tacked LBR and they headed to the lunge pen for a breif warm-up. Gary lunged LBR for about 10 minutes and he seemed relaxed and loose. Cindy rode LBR in the sand arena and he was GREAT! He traveled on the rail nicely and yielded to leg queues. The gnats weren't out yet so LBR didn't do any of his head tossing.

After flat work, Cindy did several trot cross-rail patterns on LBR. The last two patterns included the brush-box and LBR jumped it both times and cantered away calmly. The first time, Cindy brought him back to the trot, but the second time she cantered him around the arena. Gary was very proud and LBR & Cindy felt like she and LBR are the perfect team. Cindy worked with LBR's ground manners leading back to the stable after the ride. LBR has gotten a bit pushy and forward so they stopped several times until LBR was behaved leading on a loose rein.

After the ride and grooming, Gary led LBR to graze a bit and back into his paddock. Gary also worked on walking slowly and in the right position. LBR grazed for a bit before we returned him to his paddock. It was dinner time and he was very happy.

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