Monday, April 26, 2010

April 25, 2010

One Year Ago Today

Cindy had a 10:00 a.m. group lesson today so she and Gary headed over around 8:45 a.m.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy put out his supplements (Weight Builder reduced this week to maintenance mode). They tacked up LBR and Gary took him to the round pen for some lunging. Because LBR has not been in a group lesson for a while, Cindy chose to use the German martingale.

LBR was fairly mellow when being lunged despite the 25 mph winds and cooler weather. Cindy then rode LBR in the grass arena for a bit and his mellow mood continued until another lesson person came in on her mare.

After about 10 minutes of warm in the grass arena, everyone headed to the dirt arena for the 10:00 lesson. There were 5 people in the lesson and LBR didn't know any of the other horses. He started off really well with his flat work and did nice walk/trot/circles.

The next part of the lesson was "ground poles" and LBR did not like following or being followed by strange horses. Cindy had to give him a "mental timeout" for a bit. Also, Cindy learned NO HALFSEAT over ground poles or LBR will jump them:-)

The lesson concluded with some course work and LBR seemed to enjoy it. He now thinks it's fun to canter away (in control/very slowly) from cross rails and the brush box. Cindy brings him back to the trot before doing the next jump.

After the lesson, Gary rode LBR in the grass arena (took German martingale off) and LBR was great. They ended with a short trail ride.

Gary de-tacked and groomed LBR as Cindy was helping another student who had to do a quick horse/tack change for the 11:00 lesson (sprung shoe).

Gary & Cindy led LBR back down to his paddock (stopping for visits with other horses). LBR still had alfalfa left from his morning feed and totally ignored carrots, Gary & Cindy.

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