Thursday, April 1, 2010

March 29, 2010

One Year Ago Today

It's Monday and that means back to work for Cindy.

She met Gary at the stables after work for a ride. Gary had brought LBR up from his paddock and tacked him up by the time Cindy arrived.

They skipped lunging and started out in the sand arena. LBR was hesitant and didn't really want to move forward. Additionally, the spring weather has brought out gnats that were flying into Cindy & LBR's face and were very irritating.

Due to dealing with work issues - Cindy was not very patient and decided to cut her ride short. Gary rode LBR for a bit and LBR behaved a little bit better.

The plan going forward will be lunge first until LBR get's focused. Also, we're giving him a couple of days break because he's been ridden 5 days straight.

After the ride, they led LBR down towards his paddock for some grazing and then treats.

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