Friday, April 2, 2010

April 1, 2010

One Year Ago Today

It's been an insane week for Cindy at work, but she was determined not to take the chaos/stress to the stables today.

Cindy met Gary around 6:30 and Gary had already groomed, tacked and lunged LBR with side reins in the round pen.

LBR was very mellow (almost tired) despite winds of 20 mph and a lot of activity at the stables.

Gary was riding LBR when she arrived and he was doing well, but not wanting to go consistently at the trot. This makes working on posting diagonals very difficult for Gary. After riding for about 15 minutes, Cindy took over.

LBR was still having trouble with staying consistent in the trot. It took about 20 minutes to get him to flex, relax and move forward. Once this was accomplished, they cantered for a bit (in the grass arena due to lessons in the sand arena).

LBR did well at the canter, they trotted for a bit more and then walked on a loose rein until LBR cooled down.

After the ride, Gary detacked and groomed LBR. Cindy, Gary & LBR headed back to the paddock for some grazing and treats.

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