Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010

One Year Ago Today

It's Sunday and that means lessons for Cindy. Last night, she agreed to ride LBR in the lessons today and was a little anxious.

Gary & Cindy headed to the stables to arrive an hour before the 11:00 a.m. lesson. Gary brought up LBR from the paddock while Cindy gathered tack/grooming supplies and put LBR's supplements out for the next week.

LBR was in his supper mellow mode during grooming despite winds from the north at 25 mph.

After grooming/saddling, Gary lunged LBR in the grass arena with his halter and LBR did well.

Gary took LBR back to the grooming stall and put his copper-roller snaffle on. Cindy lead him back to the grass arena for a little warm up ride. LBR was responsive and focused despite the winds. He breifly "spooked" when a paddock gate slammed closed due to the wind, but he calmed quickly.

The lesson today went very well. LBR was responsive to walk/trot commands and ignored the circus that was the stables (trailers coming/going, horses running around crazy in their paddocks, loud people, louder dogs, etc.). He seemed unphased by the other lesson horses - even the one that "stalked" he and Cindy when they circled and crossed the middle of the arena to spread out.

LBR did well over the ground poles, over the cross rails and through all of his patterns. He jumped once over the brush-box rather than trot over it and Cindy smiled:-).

After the lesson, Cindy took LBR down to the grass arena for a brief trail ride. They rode back down to the stables and LBR was not happy with the impromptu dog fight caused by the introduction of yet another dog. He did calm down though.

Cindy & Gary detacked, groomed and took LBR up near his paddock for some grazing. Afterwards, they but LBR in his paddock and gave him hugs and treats.

Another great weekend is drawing to a close - but it's not so sad knowing that weekday evening rides await.

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