Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 27, 2010

One Year Ago Today

Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables around 11:00 a.m. as it was warming up nicely in Central Texas.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock as Cindy got the grooming supplies and tack out of the tack room.

LBR had not rolled and was easy to groom. After grooming and putting on the saddle, Gary & Cindy decided to lunge LBR in his halter in the grass arena rather than in his bridle. LBR did GREAT!

They headed back to the grooming stall and put LBR in the D-ring with the german martingale and Cindy rode him in the sand arena.

LBR seemed upset that everyone else had completed their rides and he was alone in the - it wasn't long ago that we couldn't ride with others.

Cindy rode him at the walk, trot & canter both directions and LBR did great. They trotted some poles and cross rails and had a great ride.

After Cindy was finished with the schooling work, Gary took LBR on a trail ride. They went down-to and around the grass arena and then headed down the driveway for a bit. LBR did very well and there were no "spooky" cows - though he ws looking for them.

After the ride, Gary rinsed LBR totally for the first time this year. The water ran brown/dirty for a while.

LBR was taken out to graze behind the stables for a bit and found some great grass:-).

Gary & Cindy returned LBR to his paddock for some treats before heading home around 3:00 p.m.

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