It's Saturday and absolutely perfect weather this weekend.
Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables around 11:00 a.m. Gary and Cindy brought up LBR from his paddock for grooming. LBR is still not shedding:-(
They tacked up and headed to the grass arena where Gary started by lunging. LBR was a bit spirited but behaved well (there were neighbor horses squeeling and he got a little distracted).
Cindy rode him the grass arena for about 30 minutes at the walk and trot. LBR was a bit stiff to his left, but behaved nicely. They did some sitting trot, serpantines and cross rails.
Gary then rode LBR for a short bit in the grass arena before heading to the sand arena. LBR continued his excellent behavior.
After riding, they groomed LBR and then Gary gave him his first total rinse off of the year.
They ended with some grazing and Cindy walked the paddock for hazards and removed several large rocks.
They ended with treats around 3:00 p.m. It was 81F degrees when they left the stables. WOO HOO!!!!
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