Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Today's weather was much warmer and no wind.

Cindy met Gary at the stables after work. LBR had found mud somewhere in his paddock and rolled again so Gary was still grooming when Cindy arrived aroun 6:15 p.m. LBR is obsessed with the mare/foal in the stall with the newly fenced paddock.

They finished tacking up and Gary lunged LBR briefly in the round pen before heading to the grass arena. LBR was totally distracted by the thought of the mystery behind the barn (mare/foal) but actually lunged nicely.

Cindy rode LBR in the grass arena and it took nearly 30 minutes before he trotted consistently and wasn't obsessed by every movement at the farm. He knows that Catia's horses are back and is worried about them, he knew that there was a mini-horse farm occupied by something behind the stable, etc....

Cindy ended with a nice pattern over cross rails before Gary rode for a bit.

Gary's "seat" was much improved with lower hands and better posture. After they finished up, Gary rode LBR back to the stables and LBR was well mannered.

As promised, after grooming, Gary took LBR to see the mystery behind the stables. LBR was so "over it" in about 2 seconds - ah, it's "Nanny" and another foal and they're eating my grass in the common area that has been fenced off for them.

LBR led nicely back to his paddock and enjoyed cookies and carrots.

Has Cindy mentioned how much she LOVES Daylight Savings Time this week?

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