Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 13, 2010

Picture from the Horse Show Taken on June 26, 2010

Gary & Cindy headed to the stables in the evening.

LBR greeted Gary at the paddock gate with whinnies and a cheerful attitude as usual.

As it was Tuesday night, there were group lessons in the sand arena and the grooming stalls were busy. Gary groomed LBR and tacked him up for the ride. Cindy mounted LBR in the sand arena as the first group lesson was ending. She rode him around a few laps at the walk before heading out to the grass arena.

Cindy worked LBR for nearly 30 minutes at the walk/trot (mostly trot) and he was GREAT. He did half-passes and head-in's/out's perfectly. She cantered him clockwise and he got his lead on the first try...YEAH!
After that, she returned to work at the trot counter-clockwise and only cantered once he was doing his trot properly (sometimes he gets anxious to canter).

After the "lesson" part of the ride, Cindy rode him on totally loose reins - steering him with leg queues only. He got the hang of it and cooled off quickly.

Cindy rode him back to the stables/grooming area and took off his tack. Gary rinsed him off and they all headed back towards his paddock for some grazing. LBR has come so far. The group of horses in the large pasture were being silly and galloping around. LBR didn't even look up as they charged to their gate which was about 15 feet away. Such a change from a year ago - he would have been snorting fire and about 18 hands tall.

After letting LBR graze for about 20 minutes, Gary & Cindy returned him to his paddock and gave him carrots for treats.

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