Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 24, 2010's Saturday, though it started off with a call from Cindy's work early regarding an IT issue (she's in IT management and that's part of the territory).

Gary & Cindy headed over to the stables around 10:00. Most of the riders had ridden earlier and were gone by the time they rode. However, a couple of friends arrived while they were there too.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supplies.

Cindy started LBR off in the sand arena. They walked and trotted, working on transitions, haults, turns on the haunches and focus. LBR was a joy to ride.

Cindy then worked him over some courses (still trotting...still sore). He was AMAZING. They did canter away for a few strides from some cross-rails. This was confidence building but a bit painful.

After Cindy rode, Gary rode LBR for a bit in the sand arena including cross-rails. Afterwards, he took LBR down to the grass arena. They cantered...yes cantered the outside rail a couple of times and had so much fun. Gary was beeming with pride - this was the first time he has asked LBR for the canter and LBR picked it up within two steps, got the correct lead, and came back to the trot nicely.

Cindy MUST take pictures next time.

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