Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 16, 2010

Gary headed over to the stables in the morning while Cindy was at work. She was stiff this morning, but managed to feel okay thanks to aspirin and icepacks.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and groomed/tacked him up. He worked with LBR in the round pen for a while. They started off walking/trotting together around the rail. Gary then lunged him at the walk/trot/canter in both directions.

They headed to the sand arena to start the ride. LBR was great today. They did walk/trot flat work and then proceeded to cross-rails. Gary used the trick of saying 'trot' very slowly when approaching the jumps and LBR trotted to and away from them without rushing.

After the work in the arena, Gary & LBR headed out for a trail ride. The "stalled" horses are in the stalls during the day now, so they ventured in/out of several paddocks. LBR enjoyed a big drink of water in the paddock that had the cleanest water trough. After that, they rode up/down some hills in the common area.

After their ride, Gary de-tacked and then gave LBR an extra long rinse.

They ended with some grazing and carrots in the paddock.

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