Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 27, 2009 Saturday so Cindy could visit LBR in the morning with Gary. The horses had not been fed yet for the morning (we arrived around 8:30 a.m.). Cindy headed to the paddock to get LBR and as she was leading him to the stable for grooming, the caretaker was headed to LBR's area to feed. Cindy took LBR's feed with them to the grooming stables.

We let LBR eat his breakfast in his grooming stall and then gave him a bucket of water. We groomed and tacked up.

Due to yesterday's "attitude", Cindy wanted to ride first in the round pen to access his mood today. She rode him there for about 5 minutes and he was responsive and attentive.

Cindy headed to the practice arena (doesn't have deep dusty sand) for today's ride. LBR was slightly distracted but Cindy could easily get his attention by saying his name. She worked him at the walk and trot for about 30 minutes with whoa's and back-up thrown in. She had a great ride.

Gary was amazed at how well it went so he rode at the walk for a while - over rails, logs, etc. in the practice arena.

After riding, we detacked, gave LBR a rinse off bath and let him graze in the common area for about 30 minutes while he dried off.

LBR got treats in the grooming stall (he ate chopped up carrots again), some fly spray and then was led back to his paddock.

By the time we finished riding, bathing and grooming it was around 11:00 a.m. and 97 degrees....argh.

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