Tonight we skipped the roundpen work and tacked up and headed to the main arean. LBR was VERY distracted tonight as his paddock mate has been moved and many other horses had been moved to different paddocks as well.
We started with the ground head/bit flex work and some ground turn on the haunches.
Cindy then rode him. Although he was very aloof, he did his whoa's well, but did not focus/listen well overall. Cindy decided to stay at the walk tonight due to LBR's lack of concentration. He didn't back well on the first try, but did for subsequent attempts.
Gary rode for a bit and experienced LBR's aloofness too....particularly at the far end of the arena (he got "bounced" for a couple of steps). We finished in the arean with some more ground flex work. LBR does the flex work much better at the end of his lessons - we must be consistent and patient:-)
We detacked and then led w/out any hesitation in/out of the wash rack two (2) times.
We walked back to/through the paddock and because he no longer has a roommate, we placed alfalfa treats on his big round bale of hay. He "discovered" them very quickly. However, when picking/eating one, he got some bermuda hay in the bite and was not happy. He spit out all of the half-eaten cubes in his mouth. It's not that his bermuda hay is bad (he eats it all the time). He just didn't expect/like the combination of the two.
That reminds me...have I mentioned that LBR doesn't like sugar cubes and he bites carrots and spits them out. The only treat he will eat is alfalfa cubes - not only is Gary a food-princess, LBR is too.
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