Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010

The winds continued today...sustained between 25-30 mph. Cindy's allergies are bad so she opted out of lessons this morning.

Gary headed over in the early afternoon. The stables had calmed down a bit from the weather change and LBR led quietly from his paddock.

The mud has pretty well dried up in his pen so grooming was easier. Gary tacked up with his saddle, the copper-roller snaffle & German martingale. Gary decided to ride first and they headed to the sand arena. They worked a lot on walking the perimeter and then trotted for a bit. LBR was better today with the well groomed footing (it had been leveled/dragged yesterday). Gary concentrated on a calm walk to a focused point and LBR responded nicely.

They then trotted for a bit and considering the conditions it went well. LBR still had a lot of energy so after riding Gary free lunged him.

LBR was full of himself in the lunge pen but much more responsive than yesterday. When he gets spunky in the lunge pen, he loves to kick a back foot out when he's cantering. We can tell he's an OTTB because these spunky-kicks are easily performed going counter-clock-wise, but take much planning and thought by LBR when attempts to "buck" going clockwise.

After about 20 minutes of lunging and being calm, they headed to the grooming stalls to de-tack and groom. Afterwards, LBR led perfectly back to his paddock for treats and waiting for the food-wagon that was on it's rounds.

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