Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

Gary headed over this morning early to groom, lunge & ride LBR. It hasn't rained in a week now so LBR was not muddy...WOO HOO, thank you for small pleasures.

Gary groomed and then lunged LBR for about 20 minutes. LBR has a lot of energy and enjoyed cantering in the round pen.

Gary then rode LBR (in Cindy's saddle) in the dirt arena. The footing is still a little "off" but LBR slowly adjusted to it. LBR was very responsive, soft on the bit with a nice headset (using German martingale).

His energy level dictated a bit of canter in the arena and he responded nicely. His "whoa's" and transition down went well.

Gary had the farrier look at his feet and he suggested re-shoeing next week. The farrier will check for uneven hoof growth which could explain the "paddling" with the left foot (as does steel shoes -vs- aluminum).

Gary de-tacked LBR , groomed him and led him back to the paddock for treats.

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