Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 11, 2010

There was rain in Central Texas today but it was spotty. It rained heavily at the house but the stables didn't receive any.

Cindy was a little late coming home from work so she and Gary headed over to the stables around 6:30 p.m. It was hot & muggy.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock and he was soaked in sweat. Poor thing - he had to be rinsed off before being ridden. He also had a pretty good bite mark under his throat-latch - presumably from his new neighbor "Vamanos".

After letting him dry and cool off under the fan, Gary tacked LBR up for Cindy's ride. She rode him in the sand arena. They warmed up with flexing exercises at the walk and the proceeded to the trot work. Cindy focused on pacing him without too much rein and LBR did well. Cindy then cantered LBR and he picked up his right lead perfectly - only requiring one step to transition into it.

Another rider joined her in the arena and unfortunately, her horse was not behaving. Cindy decided to skip any more cantering and worked LBR over cross-rails and low jumps at the trot. LBR was very focused and well behaved. Cindy walked LBR a bit in the arena to cool him (and her) down.

Gary took of LBR's tack and headed to the wash rack. LBR did not want to go into/towards the wash rack and stopped about 10 feet shy. Gary coerced him in, but LBR was still upset/uptight. After the shower, Gary led LBR out and back in and commented on the "catch" that the cat had half eaten that was in the walkway. D'oh that's what LBR didn't want to walk past.

After drying LBR off, Gary & Cindy led him towards his paddock for some grooming. Gary let LBR stop by overprotective "Sonny" (he is in love with his new paddock mate "Topsy"). LBR and Sonny puffed up across the fence line and then Sunny realized it was his old buddy and relaxed.

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