Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 14, 2010

Day 2 of the Show and thankfully, things got started a little later. Cindy was up last night until after midnight for work. She and Gary headed to the show grounds around 7:30 a.m.

LBR had finished his breakfast and alfalfa by the time they arrived and was peacefully enjoying his bermuda flakes. LBR had two(2) classes today: "Futures" and a flat class.

'A' schooled LBR in the morning with the trainer and LBR did well. She put him back in his stall until it was time to warm up and ride the "Futures" class. LBR was getting more relaxed and calm as the days went on.

Here is his "Futures" round from today where he did very well until the last jump:

Let's try that one again:

Here is a link to his "Flat" class:

After everyone was through showing for the day, the stable owner hauled a group of horses back that had no classes the next day. LBR was in that group so Gary & Cindy headed back to the stables to help unload. It was long day...they got home around 7:00 p.m.

Oh...did this post have a weather report? It was 105F degrees in Central Texas today.

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