Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010

Check out these posts for videos and pictures from last weekend's show:

Show Day 1 with video

Show Day with video2

Show Proofs

There were lessons at the barn this morning, but Cindy worked almost 60 hours this week and was too tired to take one. She slept in and they headed to the stables around 9:15 a.m.

Gary brought LBR up from his paddock while Cindy staged the tack and grooming supplies. LBR had been fed late as is usual for the weekends and still had his alfalfa flake for after the lesson.

Gary groomed and tacked LBR up and Cindy mounted him in the sand arena. She walked to the center of the arena and stood for a few minutes before heading to the grass arena.

There were a couple of other boarders riding in the grass arena and LBR handled it well. These riders are very good about staying spaced out and they know how to pass correctly too...WOO HOO! Cindy worked LBR on transitions and bending. They worked on the flat at the walk/trot/canter. After riding for about 45 minutes, Cindy handed LBR over to Gary for their ride.

They did GREAT!! Gary did walk and trot flat work for about 15 minutes before doing trot cross rails. Once LBR was doing them without rushing, LBR let him canter out of the last one in the line. They also cantered in the arena for the first time. Gary worked on his ballance and not flapping his arms. They looked great.

After the work in the arena, Gary took LBR for a "trail ride" through paddocks.

Gary took off LBR's tack and rinsed him off. They all headed back to LBR's paddock where LBR enjoyed two(2) carrots before starting his alfalfa desert.

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