Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 14, 2010

LBR had another training ride today. Gary headed over to the stables to groom LBR around 9:00.

They tacked up and the trainer decided to change things up a bit and ride LBR in the grass arena. This arena is near LBR's paddock and is more level than the sand arena. This is also where Gary & Cindy rode LBR after his round pen lessons progressed.

LBR and the trainer had his best ride ever. She walk, trotted and cantered on the flat before jumping him at the canter over several jumps. She even took him up a line of two log jumps.

After the ride, she walked him briefly around the property to cool down. The forecast for tonight is strong storms and rain...we need the rain, it's been 3 weeks since it rained here.

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