LBR had a training ride today. Gary headed to the stables around 10:00 a.m., brought LBR from his paddock and groomed him.
The trainer rode him in the sand arena. LBR was a little lazy today - he may have been tired from the ride last night.
He worked nicely on the flat at the walk/trot/canter. The trainer then did some trot to/canter away crossrails and 2' jumps. LBR did the minimum effort to get over the jumps. The trainer joked that he won't be able to be this lazy when the jumps get higher.
After the ride, she said he'll be ready for the 2' class at next months schooling show. Woo hoo LBR - Cindy & Gary are so happy and lucky to have you in their lives.
After work, Cindy & Gary headed over to their neighbors farm to hitch up the neighbors trailer for an adventure tomorrow. The pulled the trailer over to LBR's stables and loaded it up with grooming supplies, tack and hay.
LBR suspected something was up as they pulled into the stables. He knows the sound of the Tahoe but has never seen a trailer attached to it.
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