Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 19, 2009

Tuesdays are very active at the stables and this one was particularly so as there was a horse being shod in the stables (custom shoes being created/grinded with power tools).

We brought LBR from his paddock and based on yesterday’s “attitude” we didn’t know how well this was going to go. In addition to the farrier, the Tuesday lesson group was tacking up in the barn as well.

Much to our surprise, the evil-spirit that had inhabited LBR the previous day was gone. He led perfectly into the barn/grooming stall and stood quietly for grooming and tacking up.

Rather than starting with ground work, we simply led LBR around the roundpen a few times and as he seemed very calm, Cindy hopped aboard.

LBR was WONDERFUL…turning with the slightest leg/rein pressure. Cindy trotted him a bit. LBR has a very springy trot in the roundpen and Cindy’s seat is still not quiet back so posting was a little spastic but LBR was trotting perfectly on the rail

We switched riders and Gary hopped on. He hasn’t ridden LBR in a few visits and was amazed at the progress LBR has made with his turns.

We headed back to the barn for grooming/de-tacking and LBR stood perfectly with one cross tie despite a lot of commotion in the barn (end of lessons, barking dogs, loud talkers).

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