Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 22, 2009's Friday and this is a three (3) day weekend. Cindy's paddock boots came in the mail tonight and fit perfectly.

It was quiet at the stables tonight. The stable owner and one other boarder were saddling up horses. Gary led LBR from the paddock to the grooming stall and we groomed/tacked up for a ride in the round pen.

LBR was unbelievable tonight. Turning with the slightest leg/rein pressure and moving out nicely. Cindy mostly walked but did do a few laps at the trot. LBR is starting to trot a little bit more evenly with a rider and Cindy is getting her riding legs and posting much more smoothly.

LBR also whoa'd within a couple of steps and didn't chew/pull at the bit.

We did have a schooling pad under his fleece saddle pad and think this may be the trigger to a good ride.

Because LBR was doing so well, we decided to head to the main jumping arena. There was one horse being ridden in there so tonight was a new experience. LBR was perfect!!!! The one time the other horse came cantering by, Cindy halted LBR and he stood perfectly.

Cindy walked him over a low jump and LBR was so lazy he knocked a rail down. He didn't flinch/freak at all. Cindy rode him around and then back over the same jump and he didn't care at all.

We ended with grooming, walk back to/through the paddock, a long drink of water and some treats.

What a great night!

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