Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12, 2009

Today was Easter and we went to our brother & brother-in-laws for lunch. They just got a new shetland sheep dog ("sheltie") pup. His name is Jake and he is precious. They also had guests with another dog so as cat people, we were a bit overwhelmed with the barking.

We took a break and watched "The Masters" for a bit before heading to the stables. LBR had just finished dinner when we arrived and once again initially met us at the gate, but haltered nicely in mid-paddock.

The stables had not yet replaced the well depleted round bale of hay so as Gary haltered LBR, Cindy found the caretaker to discuss and resolve (ouch...Cindy is a bit demanding).

It rained early this morning so we expected mud and a muddy horse.. We were correct in one account. The paddock was not muddy at all but LBR is the biggest "PIG" when it comes to mud. In addition to normal horse rolling, he's a master at administering a self-facial and even coating his ears in mud all of the way to the tips.

Due to the chaffing of the pasterns in the round pen, caused by the bell boots, we chose to "de-mud" him with grooming and visit the stables. He really seemed to enjoy tonight and not being asked to do anything (and so did we!).

He grazed in the "green" area near the stables and is now best friends with the "equine eating feline". The cat knows we're cat people and will walk under our legs as LBR grazes. Tonight, LBR "tickled" the cat's tail with his muzzle.

He led nicely back to the open areas and stood well for application of medicine to his pasterns. Gary cleaned all hooves tonight....first time for Gary dealing with the back hooves (went well).

We ended with more grazing in the common areas, walk to the water trough and a few alfalfa treats.

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